Breakthrough Entrepreneur – Odd Man Out

Have you ever been in a place where you felt like the odd man or woman out? Many times, I would see opportunities that others around me did not. These opportunities were seen even in what most people might consider “bad” or “not so ideal” situations. I was teased about being the “glass half full […]

Chasing Waterfalls

“3Falls Niagara” by Saffron Blaze – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. I woke this morning to the sound of rain, and for those of you who know me, you know I love water. Whether it is rain, waves on the beach, the ocean, rivers, or streams, I love water. And […]


This is the tenth in our series on the 10 C’s to Building Momentum.  Before we talk about courage, let’s talk about its opposite twin, fear. Think for a moment about three things you want to do or know you should be doing, but are not doing. Now ask yourself why. Chances are all the […]


This is the ninth in our series on the 10 C’s to Building Momentum. What one factor will determine the success of your business more than any other? Many would answer that it is a matter of having the best product or service. Some corporations, believing the latest technology is the answer, will spend millions […]