Chasing Waterfalls

3Falls Niagara” by Saffron BlazeOwn work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

I woke this morning to the sound of rain, and for those of you who know me, you know I love water. Whether it is rain, waves on the beach, the ocean, rivers, or streams, I love water. And I particularly love waterfalls.

I love watching waterfalls, but I found a few years ago, when I visited Niagara Falls, that it is even more exciting to get into the waterfall. It was an amazing experience.

I am also energized by the sound of moving water. The sound of a waterfall reminds me of power and how the consistent movement of a river or stream can turn suddenly into a waterfall…powerful, beautiful, and majestic.

Years ago, there was a song about waterfalls and the wording said, “Don’t go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and streams that you are used to.”

The song and video depicted negative things we chase in our lives that cause us harm. But what about the dreams and desires that are in our hearts? I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to stick to the things I’m used to. Those things represent being stagnant, no matter how good they are, and we all know that stagnant water eventually stinks.

What have you put on hold in your life?

Yes, I am sure you had – and still have – a “good reason”, but what if you were to get in the stream, the river, and the waterfall, and see where it takes you? What if you went in believing that it is possible to achieve that which is within you?

It might be that business, it might be that next career move, it might be that ministry, or that next leadership role. Maybe you don’t feel quite prepared to handle it, although you feel it is calling your name. Will it take work? Yes. Will there be obstacles? Yes. Will you feel unsure of the unknown? Yes. Will you have to let go of some things in your life? Yes. Will you have to let go of some people? Yes. Will it take you completely out of your comfort zone? Yes. But if you say “yes” and choose to be strong and courageous, your destiny will rise up to meet you.

Most people in life choose to stay in the river and the stream they are used to, so most people will get less than what they’ve always gotten because the world around us is changing, while we stay in the same place.

Those of you who decide to step out and chase waterfalls with me will be a unique few. You will need to be purposeful and intentional each and every day.
What does it mean to be purposeful and intentional? Stay tuned.

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