Negotiation Tip 1 – Seek First to Understand

Introduction to Negotiation Tips Welcome to my weekly tips on negotiation. After thirty years of legal practice and countless negotiations, I have decided to share some tips with you that will assist you in every area of your life. You see, we negotiate every day with our spouses, children, supervisors, business clients, customers, and the list […]

Taking Up Root

I remember as a little girl watching my mother plant, nurture, prune, and repot her plants. Her favorites were African Violets. She had them in every color, and when she saw an African Violet in the store that hadn’t bloomed yet, she could still identify the color of the bloom by looking at the stems. […]

Breakthrough Entrepreneur – Odd Man Out

Have you ever been in a place where you felt like the odd man or woman out? Many times, I would see opportunities that others around me did not. These opportunities were seen even in what most people might consider “bad” or “not so ideal” situations. I was teased about being the “glass half full […]

Ready, Aim, Fire – Which Are YOU?

Most have heard the saying, “Ready, Aim, Fire.” There’s actually a great deal of wisdom in those three little words. Let’s take that to the level of who we are and how we operate – or SHOULD operate. First, determine which type of person you are: 1. Are you ready….ready…ready…and never getting beyond getting ready? […]