Capital (Part Two)

This is the seventh in our series on the 10 C’s to Building Momentum. It is continued  from the previous blog. You may read  the previous blog by clicking the link here: Tools – Every business needs tools. Be sure your tools are of good quality. This may mean having an ergonomically correct desk; […]


This is the seventh in our series on the 10 C’s to Building Momentum. This will be delivered in two parts, one this week, and one next week. There is a thinly disguised multi-level marketing company that will have you believe you can start selling their product today and be driving around in a brand […]

Connective Inner Circle

This is the third in our series on the 10 C’s to Building Momentum. It has been said that your income will be the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time. It makes sense, and I believe it is also broader in perspective than that. I believe your success depends […]