Help! This Process is Killing Me!

One of the most important factors in success is being “processed.” Unfortunately, we have created a microwave world that avoids process at any cost. What is process? Why do we avoid process? What is it about process that frightens us? Oxford Dictionary defines process as “a series of actions or steps taken to achieve a […]

Taking Up Root

I remember as a little girl watching my mother plant, nurture, prune, and repot her plants. Her favorites were African Violets. She had them in every color, and when she saw an African Violet in the store that hadn’t bloomed yet, she could still identify the color of the bloom by looking at the stems. […]

The Honeymoon is Over

Like the honeymoon after a marriage, everyone experiences the honeymoon in his or her business. It is that period of time where you gain momentum, and although it is a lot of work, you push past obstacles, rise above walls, and everything is clicking. The customers/clients are coming, you begin to hear your name in […]