Living Into the Power of a Woman

I’ve pondered it. I’ve thought about it. I used to cry about it. I have even been amazed by it. And now I am provoked to write about it.

This blog post is to all the women out there and to the “conscious men” about creating opportunity. The purpose is not to bash males but to empower women. I have had – and continue to have – many great males in my life as personal friends, business collaborators, and mentors; but it doesn’t prevent me from recognizing who I am as a woman.

In building a career in what was a male-dominated profession of law (not so anymore), I was privileged to meet women who had gone before me and broken barriers of being the first female in a law firm, the first female to make partner, the first female to sit on the bench, and the list goes on. I have sat on boards of directors and in shareholders meetings as the only female – the only minority – in countless organizations. I have been at the decision-making table, so what I am sharing is not what I have supposed, it is what I have lived and what I have watched others live. It is not a story of the ‘down trodden.’ It is the story of an intuitive, resilient, and powerful spirit. It is the story of what I have learned and what I now know for sure.

Currently, I am surrounded by brilliant, creative, spirited, educated, and powerful women entrepreneurs who are still trying to fit in and belong. They cry about the opportunities they are not given, the disparaging treatment they receive, the “all boys club” that they are not invited into.

If we are not careful, we will spend our lives trying to prove that we belong – that we’re smart enough, powerful enough, and strategic enough to belong.

My message to you today is, “Stop wasting your time.” Live into the power of being a woman, and go out and create your own opportunity.

To my sisters, I want to share the lessons I have learned.

No matter where you are in your journey, you should be able to find yourself in this list. If not, just keep living.

1. Your money spends just like a man’s. Invest in places and with people that invest in you.

2. What you think about yourself will show up in the assignments you are willing to take. If you think less of yourself, your assignments will be lesser.

3. Be careful not to be your own worst enemy. The truth is that, as women, we are power-packed engines. There is not much that runs well without us.

4. Don’t try to be a man. God gave us unique skill sets that serve the world well. Just make sure you recognize their value. If you don’t, others won’t.

5. We teach the world how to treat us. Let’s teach them well.

6. Be strong, courageous, and brave enough to say, “No.”

7. Be kind, considerate, and respectful of other women. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with, but apart from each other, we lose strength.

8. Don’t allow yourself to be used to present the illusion of inclusion.

9. Tap into the power that is within you to change the world.

10. Stand up and be counted!

Remember, an injustice to one woman is an injustice to us all! You are not more special, smarter, prettier, or wiser so that it won’t happen to you. The way a person treats one is the way they will treat another. You are not the “chosen” one. Notice patterns, and trust what you are seeing. Don’t allow others to tell you what to believe.

Live your truth.

Our daughters are watching us. Our sons are watching us. They will live what they learn, and they will learn what we live. Thank God as I watch our adult millennial daughters, I am reminded each day that I don’t have to ask or wait for permission. The wealth of my life is within me. They now remind me, through their lives, what I tried to teach them through my life.

You are better today than you were yesterday and wiser than the number of your years. Live well!

PowerMoves 100


  • March 14, 2017
    March 14, 2017

    Interesting read, thank you so much for always willing to share your wisdom, I really appreciate it.

  • Alethea
    March 14, 2017
    March 14, 2017

    Yes and. Amen 💃🏾🌺🎉
    Thank you for the encouragement and the activation! Much success and favor to you !

  • Leslie Sepe
    March 14, 2017
    Leslie Sepe
    March 14, 2017

    Barbara, thank you for posting the truth. I am not only empowered by your words, but mostly by the walk you walk. I myself seek to live a life of leadership and empowerment, and I not only do it for myself, I live to make a difference to my daughters and all the other women who surround me. Thank you.

  • Daveda Quinn
    March 15, 2017
    Daveda Quinn
    March 15, 2017

    Thank you for the inspiration this morning. I needed it as I recover at home from a surgery. When I rise back up in a couple weeks not only will I be strong in my mind, and body, but my soul as well. Bless you Sister Little. I like your blog.

  • Melina Semien
    March 15, 2017
    Melina Semien
    March 15, 2017

    Thank you so much for being a beautiful person inside and out…..and for wanting the same for others! I am so blessed to know you and have you in my life. When I’m feeling a certain kind of way I know I can come listen to you and feel better about myself and/or my situation. Love it and love you!

  • Roseann
    March 18, 2017
    March 18, 2017

    So powerful Barbara! I will certainly share this wisdom with other women!

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