Pastors, Business Owners, Leaders…start your new year with IMPACT! Leaders Symposium. Saturday, January 11, 2014. 9 am to 1 pm Click HERE to Register

Pastors, Business Owners, Leaders…start your new year with IMPACT! Leaders Symposium. Saturday, January 11, 2014. 9 am to 1 pm Click HERE to Register
This is the third in our series on the 10 C’s to Building Momentum. It has been said that your income will be the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time. It makes sense, and I believe it is also broader in perspective than that. I believe your success depends […]
This is the second in our series on the 10 C’s to Building Momentum. A few years ago, a very compelling movie made its debut. The Pursuit of Happyness was based on the real life story of Chris Gardner who went from being homeless to being a millionaire. Chris had all the odds stacked against […]
This is the first in our series on the 10 C’s to Building Momentum. You might think the first step to building momentum would be getting started. The fact is, the very first step is COMMITMENT to getting started. The next steps are COMMITMENT to keep going and COMMITMENT to finish what you start. On […]