
This is the eighth in our series on the 10 C’s to Building Momentum. 

As you think of your goals for this year, ask yourself if you need a coach in some area of your life. Have you gone as far as you can go, but feel like you need help pushing further? Do you have habits that are holding you back that you need to break? Do you need encouragement to keep going when the going gets tough? Do you need someone to help you plan and carry out that plan? Do you need an expert in a certain area to help you overcome an obstacle?

What does a good coach do? Here are some important roles a coach can play in your life and business.

1. They push.
Coaches will push you well beyond your comfort zone. We tend to be a little easy on ourselves, but the reality is, sometimes we do need a push to get started. A coach is a refiner of potential and, as such, they know that means pushing you beyond where you may have settled.

2. They pull.
A good coach has the advantage of outside perspective. They are able to see and pull out strengths you didn’t know you had – to help you see who you are in a way you probably can’t see yourself.

3. They plan.
A coach has the ability, the tools, and the training to help you plan a strategy for where you want to go and how you can get there. Very simply, if you are stuck, you need a coach. Successful people know the value of this.

4. They purge.
Coaches help purge bad habits. Bad habits will inhibit your growth and success – a good coach will help you identify those habits and begin to make positive changes.

5. They praise.
Coaches not only have to wear the hard hats of pushing, pulling, planning, and purging…they also are there to praise your hard work. The fact is, everyone needs motivation and encouragement. And a coach provides that.

A good coach can help you with all these things. He or she can see potential you can’t see. They are trained to ask the right questions to help you find answers. They have tools to help you succeed. And unlike a friend or family member, they are paid to keep you accountable for the goals you set.

If your momentum is lagging, consider hiring a coach. It may not be easy, but it could very well be your first step to achieving YOUR true purpose.